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Table 3 AI applications for clinical ethical decision-making as occurring in the sample

From: Should Artificial Intelligence be used to support clinical ethical decision-making? A systematic review of reasons


Technological Basis

Field of Application



Medical Ethical Advisor (METHAD) [17]

Machine Learning, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

General clinical practice, education

- encompasses the bioethical principles (Beauchamp, Childress) [20] in machine-readable form

- input: patient status and preferences in machine-comparable values

- general evaluation; numerical value of zero (against) to one (in favour of)

Implemented (“proof of concept”)

Patient Preference Predictor (PPP) [23]

Machine Learning, Population-based

General clinical practice, incapacitated patients

- takes defining characteristics and circumstances of the patient in question and empirical data on treatment preferences into account

- approximates preferences of incapacitated patients regarding treatments


Do not attempt resuscitation—Algorithm (DNAR) [24]

Machine Learning

Emergency medicine

- predicts patients’ preferences on resuscitation measures in emergency situations

- compares the patient’s data with that of other patients


Surgery Algorithm [25]

Machine Learning


- strives to de-bias decision-making in the selection of patients for major surgery

- gives an objective and equitable risk assessment for the patients

- improves i.a. racial and socioeconomic justice


Autonomy Algorithm [26]

Machine Learning, based on healthcare records and social media

General clinical practice, incapacitated patients

- harvests information on patients with impaired capacity

- predicts their preferences on important healthcare decisions
