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Table 2 List of books from which we have used text excerpts

From: Developing the CARE intervention to enhance ethical self-efficacy in dementia care through the use of literary texts


Examples of scenarios from the texts



Publica-tion year

No man’s land*

An elderly man who is frail and delirious expresses a desire to die at a nursing home. However, given his lack of autonomy, should caregivers fulfill his request?

Kirsten Thorup



Thawed snow and forsythia*

The author describes how they informed those around them about their wife’s dementia and the various reactions they received, highlighting the importance of discussing how to communicate about dementia.

Thomas Bredsdorff



Somebody I used to know

A woman with dementia describes how she, along with her daughters, is about to fill out a power of attorney for the future and shares her thoughts on not wanting her children to look after her in the future. Therefore, she delegates the decision regarding transition to a nursing home to her daughters

Wendy Mitchell




An elderly woman with cognitive frailty hides a bottle of whisky in her nursing home room, raising the question of privacy in long-term care facilities.

Delphine de Vigan



Dementia, dilemmas and star moments*

An adult child narrates her mother’s transition to a nursing home, including how her father one day reaches a breaking point regarding keeping the mother at home. She shares her conflicting emotions and thoughts about her own role. Have I done everything I could?

Lone Carmel and Annette Thuesen



I still see you*

A relative describes how she gradually takes over her husband’s responsibilities, such as planning their son’s celebration and writing emails for him along sharing her thoughts about wanting to continue to involve her husband in decisions as long as it remains meaningful.

Julie Rubow



  1. *Danish book titles translated by us