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Table 5 Statements reflecting what the public thinks is important to consider when using surplus embryos for drug development

From: Attitudes and values among the Swedish general public to using human embryonic stem cells for medical treatment


Median (IQR)

Ranked as most important (n)

It is important to access new, effective treatments against diseases that do not have any

1 (2)


It is important to try to reduce the risks for severe side-effects associated with medical treatments

2 (2)


It is important with transparency and scrutiny if medical companies are involved in developing treatment with embryonic stem cells

4 (2)


It is important that legislators consider the different values in society when deciding on the use of embryos for medical treatment

5 (3)


Patients should be informed on how their treatment has been developed before deciding whether they accept treatment or not

5 (4)


If we allow embryos to be used for medical treatment, there is a risk that we, in the future, will allow unwanted usage

6 (3)


For moral reasons, it is preferable to use induced pluripotent stem cells instead of embryonic stem cells

6 (3)


Couples donating embryos should not be compensated economically for their donation

6 (4)


  1. Respondents were asked to rank the statements from most important (1) to least important (8). Descriptive statistics are presented using medians, inter-quartile ranges (IQR), and the number of times the statement was ranked as the most important (n)