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Table 8 Global scheme emerging from analysis of the 38 included articles (part two)*

From: The concept of vulnerability in aged care: a systematic review of argument-based ethics literature

Means to address vulnerability

Understanding older adults’ vulnerability (i)

Taking care of vulnerable older adults (ii)

Intervening through socio-cultural, political, and economic measures (iii)

Both (i) and (ii)

Both (i) and (iii)

Ethical approach †

Phenomenology and existentialism (42, 45, 49, 66, 72)

Principlism (38, 46, 57)

Capability approach (41, 47)

Care ethics (48, 50, 56, 72)

Personalistic ethics (55)

Feminist ethics (50, 54, 62, 63)

Virtue ethics (58, 65)

Public health ethics (61, 67)

Analytic political philosophy (75)

  1. *A single article can be represented in more than one category
  2. †publication No. as listed in Table 4