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Table 1 IRB-approved interview guide: ethical and practical considerations for cell and gene therapy towards an HIV cure

From: Ethical and practical considerations for cell and gene therapy toward an HIV cure: findings from a qualitative in-depth interview study in the United States

Interview guide

 Can you please describe your involvement in HIV-related research?

Perceptions of CGT and benefit/risk considerations

 What might be some of the benefits of cell and gene therapy approaches towards an HIV cure?

 What might be some of the risks of cell and gene therapy approaches towards an HIV cure?

 How do we ensure cell and gene therapy HIV cure research approaches remain within acceptable benefit/risk parameters?

 Are there cell and gene therapy strategies that you would consider too risky or unacceptable for human testing? Can you please explain?

 What are some additional ethical considerations for developing cell and gene therapy approaches towards an HIV cure?

 What ethical criteria should be used specifically when evaluating first-in-human (FIH) cell and gene therapy HIV cure research protocols?

 How do we determine when we have enough pre-clinical evidence to move cell and gene therapies into human studies?

Safeguards and risk mitigation strategies

 What general safeguards should be in place when developing cell and gene therapy approaches?

 What safeguards should be in place when combining cell and gene therapy approaches?

 What are some of the ways to mitigate risks when developing cell and gene therapy approaches?

  What are some of the ways we can prevent off-target effects?

  What are some of the ways we can control the duration of the intervention?

  What are some of the ways we can prevent potential immune over-reaction?

  What are some of the other ways to prevent adverse effects?