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Table 2 Ethics work framework for citizen science, reframed from Banks [36]

From: Ethics framework for citizen science and public and patient participation in research

Type of ethics work

Translation to ethical citizen science

Framing work

Being attentive to salient features of a situation and political listening (and viewing)

Linking these features with structural mechanisms of marginalization

Engaging in deliberations about these frames with citizen co-researchers and other stakeholders to co-create “new” frames

Role work

Playing a role in relation to others (researcher and researched, academic, and activist) and negotiating these roles

Taking a position: sometimes being partial to the voice that is the least-heard, sometimes being impartial to being perceived as an academic

Emotion work

Being caring, compassionate, and empathic

Building communicative spaces

Seeing responsibilities of all involved in responding to others’ emotions

Identity work

Working that others see and experience the virtues of a caring ethical participatory researcher, for example towards the Medical Research Ethics Committees, funds, colleagues, citizens and clients

Dialogue and deliberation about the ethos of a citizen science researcher and what ‘goodness’ means in relation to the people citizen science researchers work with

Reason work

Making decisions and justifying one’s decisions in ethically salient situations

Conducting ethical reflections (individually and collaboratively) with those involved in the issue

Relationship work

Building trust and safety with attention to power relations and dependency so that everyone is seen, heard and valued

Engaging in dialogue and deliberation with people, creating an open space for the experiences and perspectives of citizens

Working on mutual, non-judgmental relationships through arts-based approaches, including representational knowledge

Performance work

Making visible aspects of this work to others

Demonstrating oneself at work (accountability work)