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Table 2 Most frequent contents of retrieved opinion documents (one content per document)

From: Taking stock of the availability and functions of National Ethics Committees worldwide

Most frequent contents, 1975–2019 (n = 1108)

Most frequent contents, 2009–2019 (n = 486)

1. Research ethics (124)

2. Genetics and genomics (62)

3. Organ transplantation (58)

4. Assisted reproductive technology (49)

5. End of life (36)

6. Ethics committees and commissions (32)

7. Biobanking (28)

8. Stem cell research (25)

9. Embryos in research (23)

10. Psychiatry and mental health (22)

1. Research ethics (59)

2. Organ transplantation (25)

3. Assisted reproductive technology (21)

4. End of life (18), Genetics and genomics (18)

5. Digital health (14), Biobanking (14)

6. Human genome editing (13)

7. Psychiatry and mental health (11), Public discourse and awareness (11), Ethics committees and commissions (11)