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Table 2 PubMed search strings stratified according to organising concepts*

From: Relational autonomy: what does it mean and how is it used in end-of-life care? A systematic review of argument-based ethics literature

Group A: Relational Autonomy


Group B: End of Life


Group C: Ethics

(relational [Title/Abstract] OR relational autonomy [Title/Abstract] OR shared autonomy [Title/Abstract] OR social autonomy [Title/Abstract]) OR family autonomy [Title/Abstract] OR relational approach [Title/Abstract] OR relational responsibility [Title/Abstract] OR relational care [Title/Abstract] OR relational anthropology [Title/Abstract] OR relational personhood [Title/Abstract] OR relational account [Title/Abstract] OR relational turn [Title/Abstract] OR relational dignity [Title, Abstract] OR human relatedness [Title/Abstract] OR interdependency [Title/Abstract] OR shared decision making [Title/Abstract] OR solidarity [Title/Abstract] OR communitarian*[Title/Abstract]) OR beyond autonomy [Title/Abstract] OR beyond individualism [Title/Abstract])


(“euthanasia”[Mesh] OR “palliative care”[Mesh] OR “withholding treatment”[Mesh] OR “terminal care”[Mesh] OR “assisted suicide”[Mesh] OR “pain management”[Mesh] OR “death with dignity”[Mesh] OR “patient comfort”[Mesh] OR “hospice care”[Mesh] OR “advance directives”[Mesh] OR “attitude to death”[Mesh] OR “resuscitation orders”[Mesh] OR “advance care planning”[Mesh] OR “euthanasia”[Title/Abstract] OR “palliative care”[Title/Abstract] OR “withholding treatment”[Title/Abstract] OR “terminal care”[Title/Abstract] OR “assisted suicide”[Title/Abstract] OR “pain management”[Title/Abstract] OR “death with dignity”[Title/Abstract] OR “patient comfort”[Title/Abstract] OR “hospice care”[Title/Abstract] OR “advance directives”[Title/Abstract] OR “attitude to death”[Title/Abstract] OR “resuscitation orders”[Title/Abstract] OR “advance care planning”[Title/Abstract] OR euthanize*[Title/Abstract] OR “symptom control”[Title/Abstract] OR “palliative sedation”[Title/Abstract] OR advance directive*[Title/Abstract] OR do-not-resuscitate [Title/Abstract] OR “do not resuscitate order”[Title/Abstract] OR “do not intubate order”[Title/Abstract] OR “supportive care”[Title/Abstract] OR “physician-assisted suicide”[Title/Abstract] OR assisted-death*[Title/Abstract] OR “aid in dying”[Title/Abstract] OR “medical assistance in dying”[Title/Abstract] OR “mercy killing”[Title/Abstract] OR “end of life”[Title/Abstract] OR “terminal therapy”[Title/Abstract] OR “comfort care”[Title/Abstract] OR “right to die”[Title/Abstract] OR “living wills”[Title/Abstract] OR “dignity therapy”[Title/Abstract])


(“ethics”[Mesh] OR “philosophy”[Mesh] OR “bioethics”[Mesh] OR “morals”[Mesh] OR “ethical analysis”[Mesh] OR “principle-based ethics”[Mesh] OR “medical philosophy”[Mesh] OR “medical ethics”[Mesh] OR “theology”[Mesh] OR ethic*[Title/Abstract] OR philosoph*[Title/Abstract] OR bioethics*[Title/Abstract] OR moral*[Title/Abstract] OR principle-based-ethic*[Title/Abstract] OR medical-philosoph*[Title/Abstract] OR medical-ethic*[Title/Abstract] OR theolog*[Title/Abstract])

  1. *Other literature database search strings (not shown) were developed using PubMed strings as a template