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Table 2 Themes, categories and codes, extracted from the study

From: Attitudes of Iranian students about organ donation: a qualitative study

Relevant theme derived from categories

Relevant categories

Examples of code

Cognitive readiness

- Media influence

- knowledge and awareness

- Previous experience

- The impact of video and TV series on the public’s attitude about organ donation, emphasizing the scientific aspect of it in the media rather than stimulating sentimental emotions;

- Increasing public awareness about brain death and donating organs to facilitate the donation process at the time of brain death, rectification of false religious beliefs;

- The effect of understanding people’s knowledge and their living conditions, effect of family members’ illness on their willingness to donate organs.

Mediators of decision making

- Family consent

- Characteristics of the brain-dead patient

- Adequacy of the family’s knowledge of the individual’s decision to donate organs, the consent during lifetime for organ donation in case of brain death,

- Uncertainty about the logic of the deceased’s decision for organ donation during life time, the degree of relationship with the deceased, the commitment to the will of the dead person, lack of consideration of the issue of organ donation by relatives because of its suffering identity, the hope for returning to the life,

Beliefs and motivations

- Internal beliefs and motivations

- Religious beliefs

- The sense of benevolence, giving life to others, reducing the suffering of others.

- Contributing to the advancement of science, retaining a good memory of the person after death, loss of organs after burial and usability of organs in the body, belief in the mutilation of the body, accountability of the donor toward sin actions by the recipient, giving no values to the life of other people, not wanting to mix bodies.

- Belief in the physical resurrection of organ donation, oppressing the body in case of organ donation, suffering the soul with organ donation.

- Interference in God’s affairs, believe in predestination, the chance of passing bad characteristics of the organ donor to the receiver.

Interactions with the healthcare system

- Medical errors

- The lack of trust to the healthcare services

- Diagnosis of brain death by the physician, shortages of specialists and adequate equipment, inappropriate treatment of relatives of the deceased by medical staff

- The lack of a system for organ donation and transplantation, not giving enough time to decide on organ donation, lack of a specific organization to prevent abuse of transplantation.


- Acceptance

- Surrender

- Feeling saddened by the perception of brain death in the first degree relatives

- Unwillingness to think of brain death of the first-degree relatives and donating membership.

Integrity of the body

- Fear of being slaughtered

- Feeling of being guilty

- An unpleasant impression of the torn fragmentation of the body after death, the feeling of belonging to organs.

- Feeling of conscientiousness in the family of donor due to body defect, discomfort from torn body of loved ones.