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Table 1 Six questions and their explanations from the moral compass (translated from Dutch)

From: Developing an ethics support tool for dealing with dilemmas around client autonomy based on moral case deliberations



Questions and their explanations from the moral compass

Title Page

Do I follow the wish of the client or do I intervene? First aid with daily dilemmas. Moral compass


Sometimes, it is not self-evident what is the right thing to do.

What is your dilemma?


It may be helpful to clarify what exactly makes the situation difficult.

What causes you to have moral doubts in this situation?


By placing yourself into the shoes of others, you acquire valuable insight into different perspectives on the problem and on the right thing to do. With each question, ask yourself what would be important to someone, both in the long and short run.

What is important to whom?

Q3A: Place yourself in the shoes of the client: what is important for the client?

Q3B: What is important for you?

Q3C: Place yourself in the shoes of the others who are involved in the situation; what is important for them? (colleagues, network, other clients, management?)

Q3D: What do rules and regulations say about this situation?


Think about what is important for all the parties involved (as answered for Q3). Please make a consideration in which you take all perspectives into account.

Q4A What is most valuable to you in this situation?

Q4B: Which actions go along with this?


Often, there is no perfect solution for a dilemma. Each choice has its disadvantages, because you simply cannot do everything that is important. It helps to be conscious of this, so you can possibly limit these disadvantages.

Q5A: What is a (possible) disadvantage related to your chosen course of action?

Q5B: Can you do anything to compensate for this disadvantage?


Are you able to deal with your dilemma after using this compass?