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Table 2 Senior medical student attitudes towards patient-targeted Googling (n = 54), Dunedin, 2016a

From: Patient-targeted Googling and social media: a cross-sectional study of senior medical students


n (%)


(1 or 2)

agree or strongly agree



(4 or 5)

disagree or strongly disagree

I have no concerns about PTG.

10 (18.5)

8 (14.8)

36 (66.7)

I think PTG is appropriate for routine matters as opposed to a medical emergency.

0 (0.0)

7 (13.0)

47 (87.0)

I have received adequate guidance on PTG.

14 (25.9)

15 (27.8)

25 (46.3)

I would like the medical curriculum to provide more explicit guidelines on PTG.

29 (53.7)

17 (31.5)

8 (14.8)

  1. Abbreviations: PTG Patient-targeted Googling
  2. aThe Likert-type scale has been collapsed to 3 points