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Table 1 Participant characteristics

From: A survey of patient perspectives on the research use of health information and biospecimens


N (% of those responding)



98 (46.4 %)


93 (44.1 %)

 preferred not to answer

20 (9.5 %)



58.9 (SD = 17.3)



 preferred not to answer

27 (12.8 %)


 high school or less

37 (17.5 %)

 some post secondary

40 (19.0 %)

 technical school/college diploma complete

47 (22.3 %)

 post secondary complete

61 (28.9 %)

 preferred not to answer/did not answer

26 (12.3 %)


 <= 40 000.00

43 (20.4 %)

 $40 000 < $60 000

29 (13.7 %)

 $60 000 < $80 000

27 (12.8 %)

 $80 000 < $100 000

19 (9.0 %)

 >$100 000

33 (15.6 %)

 preferred not to answer/did not answer

60 (28.4 %)

Ethnic background


12 (5.0 %)

 European Canadian

121 (57.3 %)

 African Canadian

5 (2.4 %)

 Asian Canadian

13 (6.2 %)

 First Nations

3 (1.4 %)


27 (12.8 %)

 preferred not to answer/did not answer

42 (19.9 %)

Ever had kidney biopsy


116 (55.0 %)


66 (31.3 %)

 preferred not to answer

29 (13.7 %)

Affiliated with kidney clinic for

 less than one year

19 (9.0 %)

 1–5 years

83 (39.3 %)

 6–10 years

28 (13.3 %)

 more than 10 years

20 (9.5 %)

 first visit

34 (16.1 %)

 prefer not to answer/did not answer

27 (12.8 %)