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Table 2 Cost factors in animal research (list not exhaustive)

From: Can animal data translate to innovations necessary for a new era of patient-centred and individualised healthcare? Bias in preclinical animal research

ACU/OCU staff members salaries

Administration and IT

Air filtration systems in the vivarium buildings



Animal health diagnostic services and equipment

Animal models (various)

Animal transfer stations (change stations)


Automated cage washing equipment

Bedding (specialised types of bedding)

Bedding disposal stations and units

Biological work stations Blood analysis equipment

Bottle fill stations

Breeding imports and exports

Cage card holders (various for different size and types of cage)

Cage shelving

Caging and cage trolleys (various for different sizes and types of species)

Cleaning and scrub equipment and products (general)

Cryostat equipment

Data collection equipment


Diagnostic and monitoring equipment


Energy costs

Enrichment products

Feeding equipment ( various sizes for different sizes of animals and species types)

Feeds (specialised)


Handling gloves and clothing (specialised according to species)

Heating and lighting equipment

High-efficiency particulate air filtration systems

Housing (specialised premises with airlock barriers between vivarium rooms)

Husbandry facilities and equipment

Imaging Xray and CAT

Importation & Exportation costs


Inhalation equipment

Intensive care units (ICU)

Lab technician specialised workwear


Load carts


Monitoring equipment

Necropsy tables (various sizes)


Power lift

Protective clothing for automated cage cleaning


Restraint frames and jackets (customised according to species)

Sanitation and garbage collection (general and specialist)

Security staff salaries

Sinks and tables

Specialist feeds

Specific pathogen free cage housing rooms (in addition to regular ones)

Staff Training

Stationery and recording equipment

Sterile and germfree transportation equipment


Surgical cleaning and scrub equipment and products

Surgical equipment (i.e. cauterisation, homeothermic, stereotaxic, lighting)

Surgical specialised workwear

Surgical, blood and crematory waste services and equipment

Syringe pumps

Transportation (International & Domestic)

Ultraviolet light-treated deionized water lines

Urine analysis

Urine and feaces ammonia levels monitoring equipment

Vacuum units


Watering equipment (different sizes and types for different species)

Water (for animal drinking, cage cleaning and vivarium and surgical cleaning)

Weighing and scales equipment (different sizes for different species)