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Table 2 Interview guide

From: “It scares me to know that we might not have been there!”: a qualitative study into the experiences of parents of seriously ill children participating in ethical case discussions

1. Looking back, how did you experience the CEC meeting?

2. Were you positive or ambivalent about participating in the CEC discussion?

3. Can you describe the preparatory information which you received before the CEC meeting?

4. Was the information you received in advance in accordance with what actually happened?

5. Did the committee give concrete advice about what was the right thing to do?

6. Did you receive any information in advance about who would be present in the meeting?

7. Thinking back on the persons present in the meeting

a) Were too many people included?

b) Anyone you feel should have been present, but who was not?

8. How do you feel that your “case” was discussed?

a) Do you feel that the case became better illuminated through the discussion?

b) Did the discussion help you accept the final decision?

9. Did you understand what was being said in the discussion?

10. Did new, surprising, or disturbing information come up during the meeting, and if so can you describe how you reacted?

11. Did you feel that you were listened to, or was it difficult to speak?

12. Now thinking back, are you pleased to have participated in the discussion?

Finally, do you have anything to add?