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Table 2 Descriptive statistics of meaning of religion and perceived moral status of the embryo (n = 467)

From: Attitudes and values among the Swedish general public to using human embryonic stem cells for medical treatment


n (%)

Meaning of religion in your life

Very little

226 (52.1)

Pretty little

84 (19.4)

Neither little nor a lot

73 (16.8)

Pretty much

32 (7.4)

Very much

19 (4.4)

Perceived moral status of embryo

The embryo is just a lump of cells; it's pointless to discuss its moral standing

252 (58.1)

The embryo has a moral position that lies in the middle of being just one lump of cells and being a human being

128 (29.5)

The moral position of an embryo is closer to being a human being than just a lump of cells

37 (8.5)

The embryo has the same moral status as a human being

17 (3.9)