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Table 2 Demographic details of the participants

From: Patient perspectives on advance euthanasia directives in Huntington’s disease. A qualitative interview study


Participants (n = 9)

Female (n, %)

6 (67%)

Age in years (mean, range)

52 (40 to 68)

Married or living with partner (n, %)

6 (67%)

Number of children (mean, range)

2.1 (0 to 6)

Health care use (n, %)


 Outpatient clinic

5 (56%)

 Day care and outpatient clinic

3 (33%)

 Assisted living facility and outpatient clinic

1 (11%)

Familiar with HD before they were diagnosed (n, %)

6 (67%)

 Chose to undergo predictive genetic testing (n, %)

4 (44%)

 Time since predictive genetic testing (according to patient) in years (mean, range)

14 (10 to 25)

Diagnosed with HD (according to patient) (n, %)*

8 (89%)

 Time since diagnosis (according to patient) in years (mean, range)

6.8 (0.2 to 15)

Number of interviews (total, range)

35 (1 to 6)

Duration in minutes (mean, range)

52 (16 to 82)

Euthanasia (in first interview)


 Drawn up an AED

6 (67%)

 Thinking about drawing up an AED

3 (33%)

  1. *One patient claimed that she did not have HD yet and experienced no symptoms, even though she received HD-related care for several years