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Table 1 Seven types of expansion of disease with descriptions, examples and potential challenges. Adapted and expanded from [48]

From: Managing the moral expansion of medicine

Type of expansion




Medicalization (expansion of experienced phenomena)

Including ordinary life experiences [9]

Grief, sexual orientation (homosexuality)

Inefficient or inappropriate handling

Overdiagnosis (expansion of non-experienced phenomena)

Labelling indolent conditions as disease [5]

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)

Prognostic uncertainty [27], overtreatment [45]

Aesthetic expansion

Treating aesthetic characteristics as disease [69]

Protruding ears

Reinforcing or enhancing attitudes and stigma

Pragmatic expansion

Making something disease because it can be detected and treated [62]

Erectile dysfunction,

“alcoholism,” hypertension

Making healthy persons patients, overtreatment, side-effects

Conceptual expansion

Expanding definitions or indications of disease [43]

Pre-diabetes, pre-Alzheimer, (making menopause or aging a disease)

Making healthy persons patients, overtreatment, side-effects

Ethical expansion

Making something disease because that will provide attention and access to care

Obesity [60], Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), gender incongruencen [55]

Pathologization, stigmatization, opportunity costs

Disease mongering

Making biological or social conditions disease in order to sell diagnostic tests or therapies

Low testosterone (Low T) [63, 64], “restless legs syndrome” [70]

Making people patients for the purpose of profit