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Table 2 An outline of activities facilitated by the Bioethics Team and the recorded outcomes

From: Operationalising a real-time research ethics approach: supporting ethical mindfulness in agriculture-nutrition-health research in Malawi






Data type

BT responsibility


Annual Planning workshop October 2018

Face to face interactions by trial implementing team

Facilitate discussion to identify ethical issues with the overall study activities

Bioethics Team, Laboratory Team, Soil Experts, Trial Management Team, Economists

Patient safety, Informed Consent procedures, study design, compensation, community engagement, maize distribution


Facilitated discussion of impact of study design and activities, Discussion on safety and informed consent procedures

Development of safety reporting tools, development of an educational community engagement process, training on ethics to the study team, development of Informed consent evaluation strategies

Formative Research

Survey or questionaires between potential trial participants and trial team members

Gauge community perceptions and potential areas of concern

6 FGD, 7 In-Depth Interviewa with community members

Family planning concerns leading to infertility, fears regarding blood sampling and witchcraft and social stigma


Ensure comprehension of study aims and procedures

Edit Protocol, Incorporate real time ethics approaches

Maize Field Visit April 2019

Face to face interactions with community representatives

Gauge community perceptions and potential areas of concern about the maize production procedures

Community respresentatives, LUANAR team members and the ethics team

Rumours about maize field, growing protocol, fertility issues, double blinding procedures, flour consumption


Feedbac to Trial implementing Team on TPs experiences, concerns and perspectives

Develop community education sessions

Baseline Study July 2019


Community engagement and Information Sharing session July 2020

The face-to-face interactions with wider community members

Enforce honest discussion, facilitate interactice process between communities and trial implementation team

Community members, LUANAR team members and the ethics team

Safety of flour and flour consumption procedures. To higlight milestones on study activties and reminder on study roles and responsibilities


Promoted consistency, Cemented trusting relationship

Developed community engagement approaches and enhanced informed consent frameworks to highlight participants roles and responsibilities, address concerns and myths. Exist strategies

Flour Processing Visit July 2019


Dish Sharing get together meeting August 2019

The face-to-face interactions with community representatives

Gauge community perceptions and potential areas of concern about the flour production process

Community representatives, LUANAR team members and the ethics team

Mechanism to nullify rumours, alleviate fear about the flour and cement trust


Facilitated undertanding of information needs, safety concerns

Alleviation of fear, addressed safety concerns, cemented trusting relationships, enhanced informed consent, increased study roles and capability

Endline community Information sharing session Sept 2019


Endline Study Sep 2019

Active dialogue between Trial Participants and the Ethics Team

Assess ethical and societal issues of the AHHA trial and determine best practises for respect for persons

5 FGD, 7 In-depth Interviews with community members

Blood donation procedures, trial access, compensation rewards


promoted ethical mindfulness on how to share study results

Development of study results dissemination protocol