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Table 3 Profile of patients who complete ADs

From: Why have Advance Directives failed in Spain?



Author and type of study


Valencia advance directives register


Nebot, Cristina


931 participants. 1.6% had registered ADs, 68.4% of these being women at an average age of 54 years. 73.8% used a document previously drawn up by a specific religious confession. 89.7% did so before witnesses and 10.3% before a notary. 95.2% designated a representative. 74.1% recorded their refusal to receive some form of treatment. Of those who did not have a declared religious confession, the main reasons for preparing ADs were: 99.2% to limit therapeutic effort and 98.4% to be administered medication to alleviate pain. 51.6% wished to donate for transplants, 16% wanted to die at home and 23% in the hospital

Advance directives register of the provincial health delegation of albacete


Del Pozo, Katia


123 participants. 64.2% were women; the average age was 53.3 years; 61% had completed secondary schooling, 61.8% were married and 67.5% living with a partner and/or children. Most were independent in performing their everyday activities (98.4% for basic and 94.3% for instrumental activities). 73.2% presented some sort of chronic illness. Despite having had long-lasting relationships with their doctors (9.4 years on average), conversations regarding the end of life were scarce (18.3%), though 90.1% had discussed the topic with their relatives. 54.5% had a family member who had previously formalised an ADs document, 68.5% considered it useful in the event of a loved one’s death, and 56.7% had worked as a caregiver for a terminally ill person

Customer Service at a third-tier hospital in Barcelona


Antolín, Albert


130 participants. 61.5% women, average age of 61 years, 64% with neoplastic disease and 33% with chronic illness. 18% presented no relevant disease. 73% were totally independent, and 36.4% had no comorbidity. 28% died while the study was carried out, and 35.1% of them presented inability to make a decision during the terminal stage of their disease, while 69% made express reference to and use of ADs in the final stage of their disease

Advance directives register of Catalonia


Busquets, Josep M


146 participants. 61.3% were women, and 65.1% were over the age of 70 years. 70.5% executed ADs before witnesses, and 29.5% before notaries. 25.3% refused blood transfusions, 11% donated their bodies to science, and 4.8% donated their organs