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Table 2 The Euro-MCD 2.0 - Revised Instrument

From: Moral competence, moral teamwork and moral action - the European Moral Case Deliberation Outcomes (Euro-MCD) Instrument 2.0 and its revision process


Item #

Link to former Euro-MCD item (if any)

Moral Competence

 Moral sensitivity

1. I recognize a situation as being ethically difficult

Increases my awareness of the complexity of ethically difficult situations (no. 12)

2. I am aware of others’ perspectives in ethically difficult situations

I see the ethically difficult situations from different perspectives (no. 14)

 Analytical skills

3. I can identify the different values at stake in ethically difficult situations

Develops my ability to identify the core ethical question in the difficult situations (no. 13)

4. I can formulate arguments in favor of and against different courses of actions in ethically difficult situations

Find more courses of actions to manage the ethically difficult situations (no. 24)

 Virtuous attitude

5. I listen with an open mind to others when discussing an ethically difficult situation

I listen more seriously to others’ opinions (no. 18)

6. I speak up in ethically difficult situations

Strengthens my self-confidence when managing ethically difficult situations (no. 2)

& Gives me more courage to express my ethical standpoint (no. 19)

Moral Teamwork

 Open dialogue

7. We openly express our viewpoints in ethically difficult situations

More open communication among co-workers (no. 10)

8. We all have opportunities to express our viewpoint on ethically difficult situations

Greater opportunity for everyone to have their say (no. 6)

9. We respect different viewpoints when discussing ethically difficult situations

Enhanced mutual respect amongst co-workers (no. 8)

 Supportive relationships

10. We feel secure to share emotions in ethically difficult situations

Enhances possibility to share difficult emotions and thoughts with co-workers (no. 1)

& I feel more secure to express doubts or uncertainty (no. 5)

11. We support each other when dealing with ethically difficult situations


Moral Action

 Moral decision-making

12. We make decisions on how to act in ethically difficult situations

Find more courses of actions to manage the ethically difficult situations (no. 24) & Enables me and my co-workers to decide on concrete actions in order to manage the ethically difficult situations (no. 26)

13. We base our decisions on moral considerations in ethically difficult situations


 Responsible care

14. We are responsive to the values and needs of patients and their families when interacting with them in ethically difficult situations


15. We are able to explain and justify our care towards patients and their families