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Table 1 An overview of guidelines and recommendations on disclosure processes and genetic and non-genetic predictive testing

From: Addressing ethical challenges of disclosure in dementia prediction: limitations of current guidelines and suggestions to proceed

Guidelines/ Recommendations on


The US










Disclosure of Dementia Diagnosis


How to disclose a diagnosis of dementia

Disclosing to the tested person and to the family member

Information on support, disease, treatment, care

Counseling as a multi-professional task

Recommendations [Guidelines]

Disclosing to the tested person and to the family member

Information on support, disease, treatment, care

Diagnosis and management is the responsibility of primary health care


Information on support, disease, treatment, care

Attention to the changing needs of the tested person and family caregivers

Counseling as a multi-professional task

Disclosure of MCI Diagnosis


No specific information

Importance of counseling (tested individuals and family) on lack of proven dietary or pharmacologic means, uncertainty of diagnosis, long-term planning

Recommendations [Guidelines]

No specific information

Importance of counseling (tested individuals) on life planning and healthy lifestyle

Guidelines & Recommendations

No specific information

Counseling with family members

Input by Stakeholders Conf. to improve guidelines [Counseling should be multidisciplinary]

Use of Biomarkers/Predictive Tests – Risk Assessment


Not recommended for clinical diagnosis

Individuals with MCI should be monitored

If person with MCI asks for risk assessment, physician can direct families and the person to research centers

Physician should inform the individuals on scientific limits of tests

Recommendations [Guidelines]

Not recommended for clinical diagnosis

Individuals with MCI should be monitored


Not recommended for clinical diagnosis

If person with MCI asks for risk assessment, physician can direct families and the person to research centers

Physician should inform the individuals on scientific limits of tests, possibilities and treatment options

Handling of biomarkers is left to physicians

Predictive Testing (Genetic)

Guidelines & Recommendations

Not recommended for asymptomatic individuals

Disclosing APOE: respect for privacy and confidentiality

Recommended for persons with family history & early onset symptoms

Disclosing to symptomatic individuals with a family member

Recommendations [Guidelines]

Not recommended for asymptomatic individuals, but they can be directed to advocacy organizations

For asymptomatic individuals with family history cognitive assessment & regular follow-up should be indicated (Physician should direct the individuals to a genetic clinic)

Guidelines &


Not recommended for asymptomatic individuals & with subjective cognitive decline

Recommended for asymptomatic individuals with family history & early onset symptoms (Counseling required)

APOE is not recommended for late onset AD