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Table 8 Mentions, rejections and endorsements of reasons concerning downstream effects (Category D)

From: Ethical arguments concerning human-animal chimera research: a systematic review

Reasons Concerning Downstream Effects (Category D)

D.1: Individual medical safety might be infringed

Mention [4, 49, 54, 66]

Reject [82, 85]

Endorse [8, 19, 35]

D.2: Third party interests might be infringed

D.2.i: Findings and substances may threaten general biosafetya

Mention [14, 26, 27, 54, 85]

Reject [2, 72]

Endorse [89]

D.2.ii: Funding chimera research may contradict distributive justiceb

Mention [24, 89]

Reject [13, 82]

Endorse [none]

  1. a Particularly by spreading new diseases
  2. b Particularly by affording more financial resources than would be warranted on objective grounds