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Table 2 Included and analyzed publications in alphabetical order

From: Ethical arguments concerning human-animal chimera research: a systematic review


Abelman M, O’Rourke PP, Sonntag KC (2012) Part-human animal research: the imperative to move beyond a philosophical debate. Am J Bioeth 12 (9):26–8


Ankeny RA (2003) No real categories, only chimeras and illusions: the interplay between morality and science in debates over embryonic chimeras. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):31–3


Anton R (2016) On recent advances in human engineering Provocative trends in embryology, genetics, and regenerative medicine. Politics Life Sci 35 (2):54–68


Austriaco NP (2006) How to navigate boundaries: a reply to The American Journal of Bioethics. Natl Cathol Bioeth Q 6 (1):61–71


Badura-Lotter G, Fangerau H (2014) Human-animal chimeras: not only cell origin matters. Am J Bioeth 14 (2):21–2


Bahadur G, Iqbal M, Malik S et al. (2008) Admixed human embryos and stem cells: legislative, ethical and scientific advances. Reprod Biomed Online 17 (Suppl 1):25–32


Baylis F (2008) Animal eggs for stem cell research: a path not worth taking. Am J Bioeth 8 (12):18–32


Baylis F, Fenton, A. (2007) Chimera research and stem cell therapies for human neurodegenerative disorders. Camb Q Healthc Ethics 16 (2):195–208


Baylis F, Robert JS (2007) Part-human chimeras: worrying the facts, probing the ethics. Am J Bioeth 7 (5):41–5


Benham B, Haber M (2008) Moral confusion and developmental essentialism in part-human hybrid research. Am J Bioeth 8 (12):42–4


Bok H (2003) What’s wrong with confusion? Am J Bioeth 3 (3):25–6


Bourret R, Martinez E, Vialla F et al. (2016) Human-animal chimeras: ethical issues about farming chimeric animals bearing human organs. Stem Cell Res Ther 7 (1):87


Cabrera Trujillo LY, Engel-Glatter S (2014) Human-Animal Chimera: A Neuro Driven Discussion? Comparison of Three Leading European Research Countries. Sci Eng Ethics


Camporesi S, Boniolo G (2008) Fearing a non-existing Minotaur? The ethical challenges of research on cytoplasmic hybrid embryos. J Med Ethics 34 (11):821–5


Capps B (2017) Do Chimeras Have Minds? Camb Q Healthc Ethics 26 (4):577–591


Castle D (2003) Hopes against hopeful monsters. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):28–30


Chan S (2014) Hidden anthropocentrism and the “benefit of the doubt”: problems with the “origins” approach to moral status. Am J Bioeth 14 (2):18–20


Chapman A, Hiskes AL (2008) Unscrambling the eggs: cybrid research through an Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee (ESCRO) lens. Am J Bioeth 8 (12):44–6


Charland LC (2003) Are there answers? Am J Bioeth 3 (3):1–2


Cheshire WP, Jr. (2007) The moral musings of a murine chimera. Am J Bioeth 7 (5):49–50


Cohen CB (2003) Creating human-nonhuman chimeras: of mice and men. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):3–5


Cooley DR (2008) Genetically Engineering Human-Animal Chimeras and Lives Worth Living. Between The Species 8:1–19


Coors ME (2006) Considering chimeras: the confluence of genetic engineering and ethics. Natl Cathol Bioeth Q 6 (1):75–87


de Melo-Martin I (2008) Chimeras and human dignity. Kennedy Inst Ethics J 18 (4):331–46


deGrazia D (2007) Human-animal chimeras: human dignity, moral status, and species prejudice. Metaphilosophy 38 (2–3):310–329


DiSilvestro R (2012) The two-essence problem that wasn’t. Am J Bioeth 12 (9):34–5


Eberl JT (2007) Creating non-human persons: might it be worth the risk? Am J Bioeth 7 (5):52–4


Eberl JT (2012) Ontological kinds versus biological species. Am J Bioeth 12 (9):32–4


Eberl JT, Ballard RA (2008) Exercising restraint in the creation of animal-human chimeras. Am J Bioeth 8 (6):45–6


Eberl JT, Ballard RA (2009) Metaphysical and ethical perspectives on creating animal-human chimeras. J Med Philos 34 (5):470–86


Franklin S (2003) Drawing the line at not-fully-human: what we already know. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):25–27


Gerrek ML (2008) Who really causes the lady to vanish? Am J Bioeth 8 (12):46–7


Greely HT (2003) Defining chimeras...and chimeric concerns. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):17–20


Greely HT, Cho MK, Hogle LF et al. (2007) Thinking about the human neuron mouse. Am J Bioeth 7 (5):27–40


Greene M, Schill K, Takahashi S et al. (2005) Ethics: Moral issues of human-non-human primate neural grafting. Science 309 (5733):385–6


Haber MH, Benham B (2012) Reframing the ethical issues in part-human animal research: the unbearable ontology of inexorable moral confusion. Am J Bioeth 12 (9):17–25


Heathcotte B, Robert JS (2006) The strange case of the humanzee patent quest. Natl Cathol Bioeth Q 6 (1):51–9


Hermeren G (2015) Ethical considerations in chimera research. Development 142 (1):3–5


Hyun I (2015) From naive pluripotency to chimeras: a new ethical challenge? Development 142 (1):6–8


Hyun I (2016) What’s Wrong with Human/Nonhuman Chimera Research? PLoS Biol 14 (8):e1002535


Irvine R, Degeling C, Kerridge I (2012) Uncanny animals: thinking differently about ethics and the animal-human relationship. Am J Bioeth 12 (9):30–2


Johnston J, Eliot C (2003) Chimeras and “human dignity”. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):W6-w8


Jones DA (2010) Is the creation of admixed embryos “an offense against human dignity”? Hum Reprod Genet Ethics 16 (1):87–114


Jones DA (2012) The ethics of creating chimeras and other admixed organisms. Ethics and Medicine 28 (3):81–93


Karpowicz P (2003) In defense of stem cell chimeras: a response to “Crossing species boundaries”. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):17–19


Karpowicz P, Cohen CB, van der Kooy D (2004) It is ethical to transplant human stem cells into nonhuman embryos. Nat Med 10 (4):331–5


Karpowicz P, Cohen CB, van der Kooy D (2005) Developing human-nonhuman chimeras in human stem cell research: ethical issues and boundaries. Kennedy Inst Ethics J 15 (2):107–34


Knoppers BMJ, Yann (2007) Our social genome? Trends Biotechnol 25 (7):284–288


Kobayashi NR (2003) A scientist crossing a boundary: a step into the bioethical issues surrounding stem cell research. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):15–16


Lavieri RR (2007) The ethical mouse: be not like Icarus. Am J Bioeth 7 (5):57–8


Levine S, Grabel L (2017) The contribution of human/non-human animal chimeras to stem cell research. Stem Cell Res 24:128–134


Masaki H, Nakauchi H (2017) Interspecies chimeras for human stem cell research. Development 144 (14):2544–2547


McGee DB (2003) Moral ambiguity? Yes. Moral confusion? No. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):11–12


Mirkes R (2006) Is it ethical to generate human-animal chimeras? Natl Cathol Bioeth Q 6 (1):109–30


Munsie M, Hyun I, Sugarman J (2017) Ethical issues in human organoid and gastruloid research. Development 144 (6):942–945


Murphy TF (2008) When is an objection to hybrid stem cell research a moral objection? Am J Bioeth 8 (12):47–9


Nelson JL (2008) Respecting boundaries, disparaging values. Am J Bioeth 8 (12):33–4


Palacios-Gonzalez C (2015) Ethical aspects of creating human-nonhuman chimeras capable of human gamete production and human pregnancy. Monash Bioeth Rev. 33 (2–3):181–202


Palacios-Gonzalez C (2016) The ethics of killing human/great-ape chimeras for their organs: a reply to Shaw et al. Med Health Care Philos 19 (2):215–25


Palacios-Gonzalez C (2017) Chimeras intended for human gamete production: an ethical alternative? Reprod Biomed Online 35 (4):387–390


Palacios-González C (2015) Human dignity and the creation of human–nonhuman chimeras. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (4):487–499


Piotrowska M (2012) Who are my parents? Why assigning moral categories to genealogical relations leads to more confusion. Am J Bioeth 12 (9):28–30


Pusch AF (2015) Splices: When Science Catches Up with Science Fiction. NanoEthics 9 (1):55–73


Ravelingien A, Braeckman, J., Legge, M. (2006) On the moral status of humanized chimeras and the concept of human dignity. Between the Species 6:1–22


Robert JS (2006) The science and ethics of making part-human animals in stem cell biology. Faseb j 20 (7):838–45


Robert JS, Baylis F (2003) Crossing species boundaries. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):1–13


Robert JS, Baylis F (2003) A response to commentators on “Crossing species boundaries”. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):W-c6


Robertson JA (2003) A response to “Crossing species boundaries” by Jason Scott Robert and Francoise Baylis. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):W-c5


Rollin BE (2007) Of mice and men. Am J Bioeth 7 (5):55–7


Rollin BE (2007) On chimeras. Zygon 42 (3):643–648


Sagoff M (2003) Transgenic chimeras. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):30–1


Sagoff M (2007) Further thoughts about the human neuron mouse. Am J Bioeth 7 (5):51–2


Salter B, Harvey A (2014) Creating problems in the governance of science: Bioethics and human/animal chimeras. Science and Public Policy 41 (5):685–696


Saniotis A (2013) Remaking homo: Ethical issues on future human enhancement. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 13 (1):15–21


Savulescu J (2003) Human-animal transgenesis and chimeras might be an expression of our humanity. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):22–5


Savulescu J, Skene L (2008) The kingdom of genes: why genes from animals and plants will make better humans. Am J Bioeth 8 (12):35–8


Schaub DJ (2006) Chimeras: from poetry to science. Natl Cathol Bioeth Q 6 (1):29–35


Seyfer TL (2006) An overview of chimeras and hybrids. Natl Cathol Bioeth Q 6 (1):37–49


Shaw D, Dondorp W, de Wert G (2014) Using non-human primates to benefit humans: research and organ transplantation. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (4):573–578


Shaw D, Dondorp W, Geijsen N et al. (2014) Creating human organs in chimaera pigs: an ethical source of immunocompatible organs? J Med Ethics


Siegel AW (2003) The moral insignificance of crossing species boundaries. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):33–4


Streiffer R (2003) In defense of the moral relevance of species boundaries. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):37–8


Streiffer R (2005) At the edge of humanity: human stem cells, chimeras, and moral status. Kennedy Inst Ethics J 15 (4):347–70


Streiffer R (2010) Chimeras, moral status, and public policy: implications of the abortion debate for public policy on human/nonhuman chimera research. J Law Med Ethics 38 (2):238–50


Thompson PB (2003) Crossing species boundaries is even more controversial than you think. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):14–5


Urie KA, Stanley A, Friedman JD (2003) The humane imperative: a moral opportunity. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):20–21


Watt H (2007) Embryos and pseudoembryos: parthenotes, reprogrammed oocytes and headless clones Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (9):554–556


Zwanziger LL (2003) Crossing perspectival chasms about species. Am J Bioeth 3 (3):9–10