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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Parental decision-making following a prenatal diagnosis that is lethal, life-limiting, or has long term implications for the future child and family: a meta-synthesis of qualitative literature

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Parents who experienced prenatal diagnosis of lethal, life-limiting, or severely debilitating disorder following prenatal screening


Studies examining or considering in any manner parents’ decision-making and the factors influencing their decision following the diagnosis of a lethal, life-limiting, or severely debilitating disorder, prior to termination or birth

Decisions relating to:

Pre-implantation genetic screening

Acceptance of screening

Type of termination

Choices after termination of pregnancy

Choices following birth of child

Studies which used qualitative methods for data collection and analysis

Studies which captured only quantitative data or used quantitative analysis

Studies written in any language


Primary research

Book reviews, opinion pieces, conference posters or abstracts, literature reviews.