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Table 1 Implementation strategies

From: Implementing ethics reflection groups in hospitals: an action research study evaluating barriers and promotors

The project group

- Formed after selection of project sites and ethics facilitators

- Members: The first author, managers at all project sites, all ethics facilitators

- Three meetings and an “end-of-study workshop” were conducted

One-day course for ethics facilitators

- Planned as a standard course once a year by the Clinical Ethics Committee of Psychiatry

- The program topics:

• What is structured ethics reflection?

• What is an ethics dilemma or challenge?

• Introduction to ethics principles and positions

• Introduction to the SME model (see below)

• How to facilitate an ethics reflection group

• Workshop; in smaller groups the participants practiced and used the SME model on an ethics dilemma experienced by one of the course participants

Mini-course for ethics facilitators

- A tailored short-version of the one-day course for one or two participants

- The workshop element was omitted

Training for ethics facilitators

- Training of ethics facilitators in using the SME model in their ethical reflection groups

- 6–8 meetings in each ethics reflection group


- Supporting and supervising the ethics facilitators in using the SME model

- 3 meetings in each ethics reflection group