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Table 2 Potential benefits of conceptual frameworks for questions in evaluation research

From: Do we understand the intervention? What complex intervention research can teach us for the evaluation of clinical ethics support services (CESS)




Summative evaluation

• What are possible outcomes of certain interventions?

• Use frameworks to develop in-depth understanding of complex interventions like CESS

• Use frameworks to identify unknown or unclear elements and how they impact

• Is this outcome appropriate, given the structure of this intervention?

• Use frameworks to define and justify appropriate outcomes for evaluation in line with aims and goals.

• What kinds of outcomes can be used to evaluate different interventions?

• Use frameworks to develop generic outcomes suitable for all kinds of CESS

Formative evaluation

• Do elements of the intervention work as expected?

• Use frameworks as feedback and steering mechanism during process to alter and optimize intervention

• Are there any unintended side-effects/consequences as result of the intervention?

• Are there any unclear influences, effects on elements of CESS?

• Were performed actions in line with aims and goals?

• Use frameworks to retrospectively analyse a single case

Additional use

Inform teaching