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Table 3 Analytical and descriptive themes

From: The involvement of family in the Dutch practice of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide: a systematic mixed studies review

1. Family-related reasons (not) to make a request for EAS:

Fear of suffering as witnessed previously in other family members â–ª Family beliefs and dynamics â–ª Importance of maintaining meaningful bonds â–ª Feeling of being a burden â–ª Quantitative research among physicians: other reasons more important

2. Roles and responsibilities of family members during EAS decision-making and performance: Social network involved in decision-making and performance â–ª Sounding board for patient and physician â–ª Caregiving, representing, advocating â–ª Negotiating the date of performance â–ª Proxy-decision making: children, patients with dementia

3. Families’ experiences and grief process after euthanasia and assisted suicide:

Ambivalence, exhaustion, difficulty of choosing a date of performance â–ª Varying experiences related to the interaction with physicians â–ª Mainly positive evaluations afterwards â–ª Complicated grief after a complicated process

4: Family and the ‘good euthanasia death’ according to Dutch physicians:

Physicians’ experiences with EAS and family involvement ▪ Taking care of the family as a task ▪ Family support or agreement as additional criterion for EAS ▪ Reluctance to consider social indications for EAS ▪ The general public’s opinion on family’s involvement in EAS