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Table 5 Studies with caregivers/relatives

From: Using brain-computer interfaces: a scoping review of studies employing social research methods



Number of participants

Points addressed

Andresen et al., 2016 [106]

qualitative interviews

7 caregivers (paid und unpaid/family caregivers)

esp. Quality of Life and AT-use emerged as major themes (results not separate from user study, see also Table 3)

Blain-Moraes et al., 2012 [90]

focus group (with users)

9 caregivers

BCI is regarded as an opportunity to maintain communication between caregivers and caretakers; caregivers would appreciate the opportunity of “back communication” (i.e. informing their caretakers, e.g. letting them know that they are on their way); caregivers also see an additional burden in dealing with the BCI (see also Table 3)

Geronimo et al., 2015 [37]

surveys (before and after testing)

41 caregivers

caregivers ranked BCI functions similar to their caretakers: priority of accuracy, variety of functions, standby reliability, wheelchair and computer control (results not separate from user study, see also Table 3)

Holz et al., 2013 [56]

focus group

3 caregivers (only featured)

focus group describes barriers for BCI use (physical, psychological, social) and its potential (freedom, independence)

Liberati et al., 2015 [91]

focus group

2 relatives + 6 caregivers and/or health professionals

reported expectations towards BCIs: information about BCIs and their applications, a system that adapts to the various stages of the disease, taking account of emotion, and retaining the users’ sense of agency