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Table 1 A research agenda for the ethics of global health research priority-setting

From: Exploring the ethics of global health research priority-setting

Domain of Priority-setting

Research Questions

Indicative Sub-questions


What relationship should exist between global health research priority-setting processes at global, national, funder, consortia, and institutional levels?

• When is a bottom-up approach ethically preferable to a top-down approach to connect the different levels of priority-setting?

What ethical considerations arise and how should they be addressed for global health research priority-setting processes of varying scope?

• At the national level, which research priorities should attract public sector funding and which should be left to the market or philanthropies?


To advance the value of health justice, what substantive criteria should guide global health research priority-setting at different levels?

• What weights should be assigned to the substantive criteria that guide global health research priority-setting?

• What tensions arise between substantive criteria and how can they be navigated?

What is the best way to specify the substantive criteria that promote health justice and should their specification vary between priority-setting at different levels?

• How should we understand and measure health needs in the global health context?

• How should cost-effectiveness be defined in global health research contexts?

What other values should be pursued through global health research priority-setting at different levels and how do they relate to health justice?

• To advance those other values, what substantive criteria should guide global health research priority-setting?

• What tensions exist between these criteria and those that advance health justice?


What is the right process for making decisions about global health research priorities at the different levels?

• What deliberative norms should apply in global health research priority-setting and how should procedural requirements reflecting them be specified?

• Are additional procedural requirements ethically required to achieve fairness and justice?

Who should initiate and lead global health research priority-setting at the different levels?

• Which actors, donors or institutions should lead or control global health research priority-setting processes?

• What is the role of the international scientific community in priority-setting processes?

Who should participate in global health research priority-setting and how should they participate at the different levels?

• What is required to achieve fully inclusive global health research priority-setting?

• Should external actors be allowed to participate in national and institutional global health research priority-setting?

• Is community engagement necessary at each level of priority-setting?

• What is the nature and purpose of community engagement in global health research priority-setting?