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Table 3 Characteristics of the included studies

From: Impact of moral case deliberation in healthcare settings: a literature review

Reference number





Setting and participants of the conversation

Data collection and respondents

Conversation method

Type of case


Appelbaum & Reiser (1981)

Hospital & Community Psychiatry

Ethics rounds: a model for teaching ethics in the psychiatric setting


Mental healthcare, multidisciplinary

Quantitative: questionnaires among participants

Presentation and discussion, no particular method mentioned

Patient cases, retrospective (occasionally active)


Baumann-Hölzle, Maffezzoni & Bucher (2005)

Acta Pædiatrica

A framework for ethical decision making in neonatal intensive care


Hospital care (neonatal IC), multidisciplinary

Quantitative: questionnaires among participants; survival comparison with controls

Locally developed framework for structured decision making

Patient cases, prospective


Bernthal, Russell & Draper (2014)

Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps

A qualitative study of the use of the four quadrant approach to assist ethical decision-making during deployment

United Kingdom

Military hospital care, health professionals

Qualitative: analysis of case conference forms; interviews with participants

Four Quadrant Approach (4QA)

Patient cases


Dauwerse, Weidema, Abma, Molewijk & Widdershoven (2014)

HEC Forum

Implicit and explicit clinical ethics support in The Netherlands: a mixed methods overview study

The Netherlands, Norway

Various settings, multidisciplinary

Quantitative: surveys. Qualitative: interviews and focus groups with management and ethics support staff

No particular method mentioned

Not specified


De Boer, Van Blijderveen, Van Dijk, Duivenvoorden & Williams (2012)

Journal of Medical Ethics

Implementing structured, multiprofessional medical ethical decision-making in a neonatal intensive care unit

The Netherlands

Hospital care (neonatal IC), multidisciplinary

Quantitative: questionnaires with staff

Five-step procedure based on Utrecht model and Nijmegen method

Patient cases, prospective (fictional cases when no actual case was at hand)


Grönlund, Dahlqvist, Zingmark, Sandlund & Söderberg (2016)

HEC Forum

Managing Ethical Difficulties in Healthcare: Communicating in Inter-professional Clinical Ethics Support Sessions


“Highly specialized healthcare clinic”, multidisciplinary

Qualitative: content-analysis of audio and video recorded ethics sessions

Several steps, no particular method mentioned

Patient cases


Janssens, Zadelhoff, Van Loo, Widdershoven & Molewijk (2016)

Nursing Ethics

Evaluation and perceived results of moral case deliberation: A mixed methods study

The Netherlands, Norway

Elderly care, multidisciplinary

Quantitative and qualitative: questionnaires with participants; interviews; focus groups

Dilemma method or Socratic dialogue

Patient cases


Jehle & Jurchah (2014)

Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation

Patient With a Devastating Embolic Stroke: Using Weekly Multidisciplinary Ethics Rounds in the Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit to Facilitate Care and Communication


Hospital care (neuroscience IC), multidisciplinary

Quantitative: surveys, not specified

“FESOR” format: Facts, Ethical question, Stakeholders, Options, Re-evaluation

Patient cases


Levine, Scott & Curran (1977)


Ethics rounds in a Children’s Medical Center: evaluation of a hospital-based program for continuing education in medical ethics


Children’s hospital care, multidisciplinary

Quantitative and qualitative: content-analysis of discussions; interviews and surveys among participants

Presentation and discussion, no particular method mentioned

Patient cases, retrospective


Lillemoen & Pedersen (2015)

BMC Medical Ethics

Ethics reflection groups in community health services: an evaluation study


Community health services, not clearly specified

Qualitative: focus groups with 1) participants, 2) ethics facilitators and 3) service managers; content analysis of documentation and observations

Centre for Medical Ethics method

Patient cases; constructed cases


Maffezzoni, Wunder, Baumann-Hölzle & Stoll (2003)

Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisations-psychologie

Gruppenprozesse bei Entscheidungen zur Levensfähigkeit von Neugeborenen – Eine formative Evaluation


Hospital care (neonatal IC), multidisciplinary

Quantitative and qualitative: questionnaires among participants; analysis of video recorded sessions and conversation protocols

Locally developed ethical decision-making model

Patient cases, prospective


Meyer-Zehnder, Barandun Schäfer, Albisser Schleger, Reiter-Theil & Pargger (2014)

Der Anaesthesist


Fallbesprechungen auf der Intensivstation

Vom Versuch zur Routine


Hospital care (IC), multidisciplinary

Quantitative: questionnaires among participants; summary of conversation protocols

“METAP” format: Module, Ethik, Therapieentscheidung, Allokation, Prozess

Patient cases, prospective


Molewijk, Verkerk, Milius & Widdershoven (2008)

Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy

Implementing moral case deliberation in a psychiatric hospital: process and outcome

The Netherlands

Mental healthcare, multidisciplinary

Quantitative and qualitative responsive evaluation: a questionnaire among participants; interviews with various stakeholders; participant observation; document analysis

Structured conversation, no particular method mentioned

Patient cases, retrospective and prospective


Molewijk, Abma, Stolper & Widdershoven (2008)

Journal of Medical Ethics

Teaching ethics in the clinic. The theory and practice of moral case deliberation

The Netherlands

Mental healthcare

Responsive evaluation approach

Depending on the case

Patient cases, professional-centered issues, and organization-centered questions


Silén, Haglund, Hansson & Ramklint (2015)

Nordic Journal of Psychiatry

Ethics rounds do not improve the handling of ethical issues by psychiatric staff


Mental healthcare, multidisciplinary

Quasi-experimental: questionnaires in both intervention and control groups

Approach of imaginative ethics, no particular method mentioned

Patient case or theme


Silén, Ramklint, Hansson & Haglund (2016)

Nursing Ethics

Ethics rounds: An appreciated form of ethics support


Mental healthcare, multidisciplinary

Qualitative exploratory and descriptive design: interviews with participants

Approach of imaginative ethics, no particular method mentioned

Patient case or theme


Söderhamn, Kjøstvedt & Slettebø (2014)

Nursing Ethics

Evaluation of ethical reflections in community healthcare: A mixed-methods study


Community health services

Qualitative and quantitative: focus groups with participants; questionnaires with employees

Traffic light method and fishbowl method

Ethical dilemmas


Svantesson, Anderzén-Carlsson, Thorsén, Kallenberg & Ahlström (2008)

Journal of Medical Ethics

Interprofessional ethics rounds concerning dialysis patients: staff’s ethical reflections before and after rounds


Hospital care (nephrology), multidisciplinary

Quantitative and qualitative: questionnaires; content analysis of open-ended questions

Ethics rounds, no particular method mentioned

Patient cases


Svantesson, Löfmark, Thorsén, Kallenberg & Ahlström (2008)

Journal of Medical Ethics

Learning a way through ethical problems: Swedish nurses’ and doctors’ experiences from one model of ethics rounds


Hospital care (nephrology), multidisciplinary

Qualitative: interviews with participants

Ethics rounds, no particular method mentioned

Patient cases


Tanner, Albisser Schleger, Meyer-Zehnder, Schnurrer, Reiter-Theil & Pargger (2014)

Medizinische Klinik – Intensiv-medizin und Notfall-medizin

Klinische Alltagsethik – Unterstützung im Umgang mit moralischem Disstress?

Evaluation eines ethischen Entscheidungsfindungsmodellsfür interprofessionelle klinische Teams


Hospital care (IC and geriatrics), multidisciplinary

Qualitative and quantitative: individual and group interviews with employees; questionnaires among employees

“METAP” format: Module, Ethik, Therapieentscheidung, Allokation, Prozess

Patient cases


Van der Dam, Abma, Molewijk, Kardol, Schols & Widdershoven (2011)

Nursing Ethics

Organizing moral case deliberation Experiences in two Dutch nursing homes

The Netherlands

Elderly care, multidisciplinary

Qualitative: interviews with managers; observations and (tape) recordings of sessions; focus groups with participants

Depending on the case

Patient cases


Van der Dam, Schols, Kardol, Molewijk, Widdershoven & Abma (2013)

Social Science & Medicine

The discovery of deliberation. From ambiguity to appreciation through the learning process of doing Moral Case Deliberation in Dutch elderly care

The Netherlands

Elderly care, multidisciplinary

Qualitative: interviews with managers and other stakeholders; observations and (tape) recordings of sessions; focus groups with participants

Depending on the case

Patient cases


Voskes, Evenblij, Noorthoorn, Porz & Widdershoven (2014)

Psychiatrische Praxis

Ethische Fall-Deliberation zu Freiheitseinschränkungen in der Psychiatrie. Dilemmata, Nutzen und Implementierung

The Netherlands, Switzerland

Mental healthcare, multidisciplinary

Qualitative: interviews and focus groups with participants/employees; observation of sessions

Dilemma method

Patient cases, retrospective and prospective


Weidema, Molewijk, Kamsteeg & Widdershoven (2013)

Nursing Ethics

Aims and harvest of moral case deliberation

The Netherlands

Mental healthcare, mono-disciplinary (nurses)

Qualitative and quantitative: interviews with managers; questionnaires with participants

Structured conversation, no particular method mentioned

Concrete work-based case


Wocial, Hancock, Bledsoe, Chamness & Helft (2010)

JONA’S Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation

An evaluation of unit-based ethics conversations


Hospital care (different nursing units), mono-disciplinary (nurses)

Quantitative and qualitative: a survey among employees; focus group with participants

Structured story-telling, no particular method mentioned

Ethically challenging situations in care