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Table 3 Code book – with definitions

From: Decision making on organ donation: the dilemmas of relatives of potential brain dead donors



Code interview





Participant mentions that s/he had little time to decide on donation



First reaction of participant on donation question, or participant mentions being overwhelmed by emotions, or participant mentions emotions due to the illness of deceased before the request was made

Mourning reactions

Participant mentions mourning reactions such as being unable to understand information, not accepting the death etc.

Group Decision

Composition and number

Number of relatives, and which relatives, were present when the donation request was made


Whether the relatives reached agreement on donation or not, and how they discussed it to reach agreement

Ethical considerations


Aid people

Aid people, save people, give someone a better life

Body holds little intrinsic importance after death

Utilitarian view of the body, believing that the body gives physical form to the self but is not an integral component of the self-identity

easy rescue

He does not need his organs when he is dead, easy to give them to someone who does need them


Integrity of the body, protection of the body, no cutting in the body, keeping it whole


Donation gives at least some meaning to death, gives comfort to relatives

live on

A part of the deceased one lives on in someone else


Indirect reciprocity refers to the notion that an individual is duty bound to help others as they themselves would want to be helped


Ideas on life after death, religious values on life and death



It is more difficult to say goodbye for relatives when they cannot be present at the moment of visible death, a reason to choose for DCD instead of DBD. And it can take a long time for the eligible donor to become officially brain dead, prolonging the farewell

Funeral or burial rituals

The organ removal leaves marks on the body, the procedure interferes with funeral or burial rituals

Waiting long procedure

The donation procedure takes time when the family is waiting, it is a formal and technical procedure in times of grief. Or: there is more time for family to arrive and say farewell, accept the death of their beloved

Wish known (from register)

It was his/her last wish so we should follow it. Registration in the donor register is the main reason for consent to donation

Wish unknown

Relatives do not know what the deceased would have wanted, he was not registered, relatives do not want to decide for someone else

Wish family leading

Participant leaves the decision to the relatives: ‘they have to live with it’


Contra donation

Statements against donation in general and/or for participant himself without further motivation. And: no donation at all, also not receiving an organ himself

Life needlessly prolonged

The life of the patient is needlessly prolonged to obtain organs, he has suffered enough

Organs special significance

Participant makes an exception for organs with a special significance for him like the heart, eyes or skin

Premature death

Participant mistrusts the doctors, he thinks they will not treat him well if he were registered as a donor or that organs are removed before death

Pro donation

Statements in favour of donation in general and/or for participant himself without further motivation. For example: everyone should be registered as a donor

Unknown recipient

Relatives do not want to donate since they do not know the recipient, his lifestyle and they cannot contact him.



Participant mentions different motives pro and contra donation which conflict with each other and balances them, or cannot make a decision, or remains ambivalent

Look back

Decision - Evaluation


Participant explains how the decision was made, which considerations were taken into account and the way the decision was justified afterwards


Participant mentions that he does (not) regret the decision and/or that he is proud of the decision and the way it was established. Whether the decision does justice to the wish of the deceased

Persistence (stability of the decision)

Participant states that the decision to donate could have been different (without regretting the decision made)


Improvement suggestions

Participant mentions improvements: they needed more information, more time to deliberate with others, more (empathic) support from HCP etc.; they did not know who to ask the question to

Need for counsellor others

Participant mentions that he can imagine that other people might need counselling, or that he might have needed it if the situation was different (e.g. if they had not known de deceased’s wish, if the relatives had not agreed etc.)

Need for counsellor own

Participant mentions that he would (not) have wanted counselling himself, or that he asked for support

Professions support

Which profession should give which kind of support; whether they had/should have different roles in guiding the donation procedure: physicians, nurses, transplant coordinators, social workers, psychologists, hospital chaplains. Also: whether support from the latter profession was asked

Kind of support

Tasks that the person who supports should have, such as: giving information, mediating between family members, creating time and space to think about the question, being available all the time