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Table 4 Respondents’ stated reasons for and against offering treatment

From: ‘Are smokers less deserving of expensive treatment? A randomised controlled trial that goes beyond official values’


The smoking patient

The non-smoking patient

Would offer treatment

Cost does not matter 21 (16/5)

Compassion with the patient 15 (11/4)


Ethical considerations 14 (11/3)

Cost does not matter 13 (8/5)


Compassion with the patient 12 (6/6)

The patient wants it 10 (8/2)


Knowledge gain 8 (5/3)

Positive effects of treatment 7 (3/4)


The patient wants it 7 (3/4)

Ethical considerations 4 (3/1)


Positive effects of treatment 3 (2/1)

Knowledge gain 4 (2/2)


Patient is young 2 (2/-)

Patient is young 1 (1/-)

Would not offer treatment

Cost matters 22 (11/11)

Cost matters 20 (12/8)


Ethical considerations 3 (3/-)

Negative effects of treatment 6 (3/3)


Negative effects of treatment 2 (2/-)

  1. Comments are grouped by which version of the questionnaire respondents had received. Numbers before brackets refer to total amount of comments; numbers in brackets refer to amount of comments from the general population and physicians, respectively.