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Table 1 A list of questions asked in the three focus group interviews

From: Attitudes of the Japanese public and doctors towards use of archived information and samples without informed consent: Preliminary findings based on focus group interviews

Lay participants

Would you approve of the use of your medical records such as medical charts for research purposes?

Would you approve of the use of your medical records such as medical charts if you were asked your permission beforehand?

Would you approve of the use of your medical records for research purposes without your prior permission?

In your opinion, what are essential conditions that researchers must meet when they use your medical records for research purposes without your prior permission?

To whom do you think medical charts belong?

Would you like to get any feedback regarding the results of investigations for which researchers used your medical information?

How would you feel if you were aware that your medical information had been used for research purposes without your permission?

Would you approve of the use of biological samples that had been previously taken during the course of medical diagnosis or treatments and medical check-up you had, for research purposes without your prior permission?

Is there any difference between the use of your medical records such as medical charts and the use of biological samples that had been previously taken during the course of medical diagnosis or treatments and medical check-ups you had, for research purposes without your prior permission?