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Table 2 Patients’ perceived function of clinical informed consent: norm vs. current practice

From: Patients’ perceived purpose of clinical informed consent: Mill’s individual autonomy model is preferred

Statement abbreviation


Current practice

p Value

Mean (SD)

Median [25%, 75%]

Mean (SD)

Median [25%, 75%]

“Help patient decide”

3.02 (2.15)

2 [1,5]

4.02 (2.48)

4 [2,6]


“Make sure patient understand”

3.27 (1.93)

3 [2,4]

4.18 (2.38)

4 [2,6]


“Inform patient”

3.86 (2.05)

4 [2,5]

3.93 (2.17)

4 [2,5]


“Have shared decision”

4.19 (2.05)

4 [3,6]

4.33 (2.24)

4 [3,6]


“Discover patient’s preferences”

4.32 (1.87)

4 [3,6]

5.04 (2.12)

5 [3,6]


“Document patient’s decision”

4.83 (2.18)

5 [3,6]

4.31 (2.40)

4 [2,6]


“Litigation protection”

7.08 (2.15)

7 [6,9]

6.30 (2.99)

7 [4,9]


“Courtesy gesture”

7.81 (2.29)

9 [7,9]

7.48 (2.45)

8 [6,9]


“Take away compensation rights”

7.71 (1.89)

8 [7,9]

6.81 (2.54)

8 [6,9]


“Meaningless routine”

8.89 (1.63)

9 [8,10]

8.49 (2.15)

9 [8,10]


  1. Data are ranking scores for each of ten randomly-presented statements representing potential purposes of clinical informed consent. Respondents ranked each statement from 1 (most reflective) to 10. The number of responses for norm and current practice ranged from 466 to 467 and from 478 to 482, respectively. P value is for Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test. For full description of the statements, see the text and Additional file 1.