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Table 1 PICO-model indicating the inclusion and exclusion criteria of this study

From: The Liverpool Care Pathway: discarded in cancer patients but good enough for dying nursing home patients? A systematic review


NH patients and their relatives.


Liver Pool Care Pathway


All studies using standard care group comparison, before/after comparison, as well as studies without standard means of comparisons were included.


All outcomes both qualitative and quantitative were included.

Exclusion criteria

Studies only including home-dwelling and hospital patients

Studies only including specific diagnoses (e.g., heart failure, cancer)

Studies only using chart based interventions where patients/relatives are left on their own (e.g., advance directives without conversations).

Studies that only focused on treatment limits (e.g., DNR, DNH). Publications such as case studies, chronicles, guidelines, protocols, unsystematic reviews and legal documents.

Publications in in other languages than English and Scandinavian.

Publications without abstracts.