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Table 2 The role of physicians in decision making about futile care

From: Experts' attitudes towards medical futility: an empirical survey from Japan






If treatment is physiologically futile, is there any obligation on physician to inform the patient?

85.2% (92)

7.4% (8)

5.6% (6)

1.9% (2)

Should physicians' professional judgment be "value free"?

6.5% (7)

87% (94)

4.6% (5)

1.9% (2)

Do you think that physicians have a legitimate role in blocking access to the treatment even if it would likely achieve the patient's goals?

13% (14)

69.4% (75)

13% (14)

4.6% (5)

Should physicians be allowed to judge about evaluative futility and rely on their own personal beliefs and values?

28.7% (31)

64.8% (70)


6.5% (7)

Should physicians be authorized to refuse a treatment which works but because of the patient's poor prognosis he believes that it is not worth trying?

25% (27)

55.6% (60)

17.6% (19)

1.9% (2)

Should physicians be empowered to impose evaluative judgment that conforms to professional standards and emerging societal interest?

4.6% (5)

75% (81)

17.6% (19)

2.8% (3)

  1. * In some questions, an option was to write their own comments.