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Table 1 List of variables used in data analyses and their codes and classifications

From: Is informed consent related to success in exercise and diet intervention as evaluated at 12 months? DR's EXTRA study

List of variables

Codes and Classification

Response variables


Result of the intervention

1) attained good result (over 70%),

2) attained moderate result (31-69%),

3) attained poor result (0-30%)

The success of an intervention measured by

change in activity

1) added/improved in many sectors, 2) added/improved in some sectors, 3) no change, 4) reduced/worsened

Background variables



1) male, 2) female*


< 63, 64-69, > 70 years*

Marital status

1) married, 2) unmarried*


1) no professional training, 2) vocational school or vocational course, 3) college-level training, 4) academic degree*

Work status

1) working, 2) not working*

Own opinion of own health

1) poor or extremely poor, 2) moderate, 3) good, 4) extremely good*

Earlier participation in research projects

1) yes, 2) no*

Other variables


Participant's knowledge of person in charge

1) yes, 2) no*

Participant's engagement with contact person

1) yes, 2) no, 3) had no need to contact*

Opinion of sufficiency of time during the first visit

0) poor to moderate, 1) good*

Opinion of sufficiency of information given

0) poor to moderate, 1) good*

Opinion of intelligibility of information given

0) poor to moderate, 1) good*

Opinion of sufficiency of information about participants' selection criteria to the study

0) poor to moderate, 1) good*

Adequate possibility to consider participation

1) yes, 2) no*

Participant's view of the purpose of the study

1) answered correctly*, 0) answered incorrectly or left empty

Opinion of whether the research personnel had adequately confirmed that the participant received enough information

0) poor to moderate, 1) good*

Opinion of whether the research personnel had adequately confirmed that the participant had understood the information given

0) poor to moderate, 1) good*

  1. * Referent categories